Top 5 Shoe Organizing Secrets

Whether you’re a shoe connoisseur or a casual shoe aficionado, we can pretty much all agree that we accumulate more shoes than we realize and finding space for them can be an issue. Finding one shoe and having the other lost in the abyss of your closet is a common theme for many people and losing out on money spent on a nice pair of shoes is sure to put a damper on your day. But what if shoe organization was made easy? Get ready to say goodbye to lost shoes and a cluttered closet. We’re here to fill you in on some shoe organizing secrets.

Here are some of our favorite ways to organize your shoe collection.

Boutique Style

Perhaps one of the most stylish ways to organize your shoes, the boutique style concept utilizes lacquered shelving and lighting to showcase your shoes, instead of simply storing them. Pair that with mirrors and incorporate a “dressing area” complete with mirrored doors to conceal your shoe collection or choose to showcase your favorite pairs on specialty shelving or cubbies to make your closet into your own personal boutique.

Racks & Rows

This easy to display option utilizes racks and shelving to house your shoes in an organized fashion. Shoes should be in your line of sight and have their own area in the closet. Use your space efficiently by adding in custom shelving, designed specifically for your shoes and clear out an area for your shoes to live in the space. Don’t just shelve them anywhere, keep them all together and organized, so they don’t get lost or damaged.

On the Wall

Can’t find room in your closet to organize your shoe collection? Have you ever considered going up? Don’t give up valuable floor space for your shoes if you’re operating in a small space. Incorporating vertical shelving or hanging racks can help keep your shoes organized without taking up a lot of space. You can even add an element of style by using your shoes as decorative pieces in the room.

Rotating Storage

Have you ever forgotten about a pair of shoes, simply because they were pushed to the back of your closet? We’re pretty much all guilty of that, but by incorporating rotating storage, you can ensure that every shoe can be front and center. Rotating storage also utilizes less space and can hold upwards of 30 pairs of shoes.

Hidden Elements

Perhaps you don’t feel the need to showcase your shoe collection, but instead want to have them blend right in and remain inconspicuous. Hidden elements like drawers can be customized to have a high-end look, while remaining functional as well. Take advantage of the depth in your closet and consider adding drawers to house your shoes. It will help the space look less cluttered and keep your collection organized. To add a hint of style, top your drawers with pieces of artwork, so guests have no idea what’s showcased inside.

Your Custom Shoe Closet Options

As you can see, you’ve got some options when it comes to organizing your shoe collection. To recap, consider the following to reduce clutter and eliminate damaged or lost shoes:

·         Boutique style, utilizing lighting and mirrors to showcase your shoes.

·         Racks & rows for ultimate organization and space utilization.

·         Wall storage for space saving.

·         Rotating storage for space saving and ensuring no shoe is left behind.

·         Hidden elements to blend into the surroundings.

For help creating your own custom shoe closet oasis, contact the experts at Elite Custom Closets by calling (239) 877-0624 or visiting


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